The measurement of quarkonia can provide essential information of the QGP since they experience the medium from the early stage of the collisions. For instance, a sequential disassociation of different quarkonium states can indicate the temperature of the medium. Depending on the various bounding energy, the color-screening effect leads to a different levels of suppression of each quarkonium states. However, other contributions to the final production of quarkonia should be considered, such as the cold-nuclear-matter effect and recombination, in order to understand the properties of the QGP more precisely. Measurements of charmonium states, prompt J/psi and psi(2S), charm at heavy-ion collisions will be presented in this talk to discuss aforementioned phenomena.
On the other hand, open heavy-flavors are very important probes to illustrate interactions between QGP and quarks and gluons more comprehensively. Partons in the QCD medium lose energy while they traverse the QGP by elastic collisions and gluon radiation. Gluon radiation is dominated for fast partons in medium and according to the dead-cone effect, energy loss by radiation of gluons are expected to be decreased for heavier quarks. In the other half of this talk, nuclear-modification-factor of open B meson measurements and non-prompt J/psi will be presented at pPb and PbPb collisions to check whether the flavor dependent suppression occurs.