Saturation and scaling properties in high energy scattering: from deep inelastic scattering to heavy ion collisions.

14 Oct 2015, 14:00
1h 30m
JungSeok Memorial Library (Inha University)

JungSeok Memorial Library

Inha University

South Korea


Prof. Michal Praszałowicz


By scaling we understand a property of certain physical observables that in principle should depend on two kinematical variables but in reality depend only on a particular combination of them. A prominent example is so called Bjorken scaling that paved the road to the present understanding of the proton structure. After a a short reminder of the Bjorken scaling we shall introduce geometrical scaling (GS). GS follows from the fact that there exists an intermediate momentum scale, called saturation scale.  We shall give physical interpretation of GS. By inspecting different pieces of data we shall demonstrate the existence

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