14 February 2022
Asia/Seoul timezone

ZOOM LINK : https://inha-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/94319105878?pwd=K1RlWmdkVzNWVGJ0NXVNcFRVOUlUdz09

This seminar will give the introduction of the new O2 analysis software being developed for the Run 3 ALICE analyses, in particular to the heavy-flavour analysis framework.

The presentation will be followed by a practical hands-on session where you will have the opportunity to run some analysis code on your computer and get more familiar with the features of the analysis framework.


To make sure that all participants are on the same page when the seminar starts, it is recommended that everyone has the required tools ready on their local machines.

Please install the latest version of AliPhysics and O2Physics following the official installation instructions.
Please start with the installation of O2Physics, as that is the most important ingredient and also the most tricky one.
If you run into installation problems, please ask for help:

- in the dedicated mailing list (alice-project-analysis-task-force@cern.ch),

- on the O2 analysis Mattermost channel (https://mattermost.web.cern.ch/alice/channels/o2-analysis)

- or check the discussion on ALICE Talk (https://alice-talk.web.cern.ch).

To make it easier to run the complete HF O2 analysis chain, please also download the Run 3 analysis validation framework.
Please verify that all the tools are installed properly by running the validation example.

For discussing topics related to HF O2, please join the Mattermost channel, where you can also ask for help.

Registration for this event is currently open.