5–10 Nov 2018
National University of Uzbekistan
Asia/Tashkent timezone

Theoretical study of the direct alpha+d → 6Li +gamma astrophysical capture process in a three-body model: Astrophysical S-factor, reaction rates and primordial abundance

7 Nov 2018, 15:20
National University of Uzbekistan

National University of Uzbekistan

4 Universitet St, Tashkent 100174, Uzbekistan


Dr Ergash Tursunov (Institute of Nuclear Physics, AS RUz)


The astrophysical S-factor and reaction rate of the direct capture process $\alpha+d \rightarrow {}^6{\rm Li} + \gamma$, as well as the abundance of the 6Li element are estimated in a three-body model. The initial state is factorized into the deuteron bound state and the $\alpha+d$ scattering state. The final nucleus $^6$Li(1+) is described as a three-body bound state $\alpha+ n + p$ in the hyperspherical Lagrange-mesh method. Corrections to the asymptotics of the overlap integral in the $S$- and $D$-waves have been done for the E2 S factor. The isospin forbidden $E1$ S-factor is calculated from the initial isosinglet states to the small isotriplet components of the final $^6$Li(1+) bound state. It is shown that the three-body model is able to reproduce the newest experimental data of the LUNA collaboration for the astrophysical S-factor and the reaction rates within the experimental error bars. The estimated $^6$Li/H abundance ratio of (0.67 ± 0.01) × 10−14 is in a very good agreement with the recent measurement (0.80 ± 0.18) × 10−14 of the LUNA collaboration.

Primary authors

Mr Sobir Turakulov (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences) Dr Ergash Tursunov (Institute of Nuclear Physics, AS RUz) Alisher Kadyrov (Curtin University)

Presentation materials