5–10 Nov 2018
National University of Uzbekistan
Asia/Tashkent timezone

Plasma magnetosphere of slowly rotating magnetized neutron star in braneworld

6 Nov 2018, 17:30
National University of Uzbekistan

National University of Uzbekistan

4 Universitet St, Tashkent 100174, Uzbekistan


Mr Rayimbaev Javlon ( Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute)


Plasma magnetosphere surrounding rotating magnetized neutron star in the braneworld has been studied. Goldreich-Julian charge density in plasma magnetosphere is analyzed for the misaligned neutron star with two different values of the inclination angle ($\chi=0$ and $\chi=\pi/2$) between magnetic field and rotation axis.The system of Maxwell equations in spacetime of slowly rotating star in braneworld is converted into second-order differential equation for electrostatic potential. Analytical solution of this equation indicates the braneworld modification of an accelerating electric field and charge density along the open field lines by brane tension. The implication of this effect to the magnetospheric energy loss problem is underlined. It was found that for initially zero potential and field on the surface of a neutron star, the amplitude of the plasma mode created by Goldreich-Julian charge density will increase in the presence of the negative brane charge. Finally we derive the equations of motion of test particles in magnetosphere of slowly rotating star in the braneworld. Then we analyze particle motion in the polar cap and show that brane tension can significantly change conditions for particle acceleration in the polar cap region of the neutron star.

Primary authors

Prof. Bobomurat Ahmedov ( Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute) Mr Bobur Turimov ( Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute) Mr Rayimbaev Javlon ( Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute)

Presentation materials