5–10 Nov 2018
National University of Uzbekistan
Asia/Tashkent timezone

Skyrmions and Kaon-Nucleon interactions

6 Nov 2018, 11:30
National University of Uzbekistan

National University of Uzbekistan

4 Universitet St, Tashkent 100174, Uzbekistan


Prof. Atsushi Hosaka (RCNP, Osaka University)


We investigate kaon-nucleon interactions in the Skyrme model with the new quantization method. It is based on the bound state approach but is more suited to the weakly bound system. The spatially extended structure of the nucleon as a soliton enables to express the interaction as an $r$-dependent potential. We find that for the isospin 0 antikaon-nucleon system the potential consists of an attractive pocket in the intermediate range and of short range repulsion, resulting in a weakly bound state corresponding to the $\Lambda$(1405). The method is extended to the coupling to $\pi-\Sigma$ channel for a realistic description of the kaon-nucleon system as well as hyperon resonances.

Primary author

Prof. Atsushi Hosaka (RCNP, Osaka University)

Presentation materials