5–10 Nov 2018
National University of Uzbekistan
Asia/Tashkent timezone

Can a test magnetic field serve as a cosmic censor?

6 Nov 2018, 17:10
National University of Uzbekistan

National University of Uzbekistan

4 Universitet St, Tashkent 100174, Uzbekistan


Mr Sanjar Shaymatov (Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute)


Einstein gravity pronounced that black hole can be formed as a consequence of gravitational collapse, and Penrose later proposed in 1969 that a singularity would always be hidden behind a horizon. This is what is called Cosmic Censorship Conjecture (CCC). There exists no proof of the conjecture that it has remained unproven yet in either way, true or false. Thus, the physical possibility of destroying a near-extremal black hole due to over-spinning/over-charging process could be valid. The magnetic field, although small, affects the motion of charged particles drastically due to the large Lorentz force, as the electromagnetic force is much stronger than the gravity. We will focus here on the aspect of destroying horizon of a near extremal black hole in testing CCC. Then, the effect of the test magnetic field can be tested as an alternative tool to restore the CCC. We show that a test magnetic field would act as a cosmic censor beyond a certain threshold value.

Primary author

Mr Sanjar Shaymatov (Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute)

Presentation materials