5–10 Nov 2018
National University of Uzbekistan
Asia/Tashkent timezone

$^3$He(α, γ)$^7$Be and $^3$H(α, γ)$^7$Li reaction rates and its implications for Big Bang nucleosynthesis

7 Nov 2018, 17:00
National University of Uzbekistan

National University of Uzbekistan

4 Universitet St, Tashkent 100174, Uzbekistan


Mr Sobir Turakulov (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences RUz)


The astrophysical S-factor and reaction rates of the direct capture processes $^3$He(α, γ)$^7$Be and $^3$H(α, γ)$^7$Li, as well as the abundance of the $^7$Li/H element are studied in the framework of the two-body model with potentials of a simple Gaussian form, which describe correctly the phase shifts in the s, p, d, and f waves, as well as the binding energy and the asymptotic normalization constant of the ground p3/2 and the first excited p1/2 bound states. It is shown that the E1 transition from the initial s wave to the final p waves is strongly dominant in both capture reactions. On this basis the s-wave potential parameters are adjusted to reproduce the new data of the LUNA Collaboration around 100 keV and the newest data at the Gamov peak estimated with the help of the observed neutrino fluxes from the sun, S34(23+6−5 keV) = 0.548 ± 0.054 keVb for the astrophysical S factor of the capture process $^3$He(α,γ )$^7$Be. The resulting model describes well the astrophysical S factor in the low-energy big-bang nucleosynthesis region of 180–400 keV; however, it has a tendency to underestimate the data above 0.5 MeV. The energy dependence of the S factor is mostly consistent with the data and the results of the no-core shell model with continuum, but substantially different from the fermionic molecular dynamics model predictions. Two-body potentials, adjusted for the properties of the 7Be nucleus, $^3$He + α elastic scattering data, and the astrophysical S factor of the $^3$He(α, γ)$^7$Be direct capture reaction, are able to reproduce the properties of the 7Li nucleus, the binding energies of the ground 3/2− and first excited 1/2− states, and phase shifts of the 3H + α elastic scattering in partial waves. Most importantly, these potential models can successfully describe both absolute value and energy dependence of the existing experimental data for the mirror astrophysical $^3$H(α, γ)$^7$Li capture reaction without any additional adjustment of the parameters. Finally, the estimated $^7$Li/H abundance ratio of (5.08±0.13) x 10-10 is in a very good agreement with the recent measurement (5.0 ± 0.3) × 10−10 of the LUNA collaboration.

Primary author

Mr Sobir Turakulov (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences RUz)

Presentation materials