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The 1st CENuM Workshop for Hadronic Physics

Jungseok Memorial Library 6F

Jungseok Memorial Library 6F

Inha University

The present mini-Workshop will focus on several important subjects on hadronic physics such as 
Structure of heavy hadrons, baryonic form factors, hadronic reactions using photon and pion beams.  
The style of the workshop will be rather informal and emphasize the discussions and exchange of ideas.

    • 10:00
    • 1
      A unifying pion mean field approach : Electromagnetic properties of light and singly-heavy baryons
      Speaker: Mr June-Young Kim (Inha University)
    • 2
      Hyperon and charmed baryon productions with an instanton interaction
      Speaker: Mr Sang-In Shim (RCNP, Osaka University)
    • 11:40
      Lunch Korean Food

      Korean Food

      Korean Food
    • 3
      Five-body structure of ssscc-bar
      Speaker: Prof. Emiko Hiyama (Kyushu University)
    • 4
      Threshold peaks in heavy hadrons
      Speaker: Prof. Atsushi Hosaka (Osaka University)
    • 14:50
      Coffee Break
    • 5
      Analytic properties of the S-matrix and pole trajectories in a separable coupled-channel system
      Speaker: Dr Denny Lane Sombillo (RCNP, Osaka University, NIP UPD)
    • 6
      Killing or saving the Theta^+ pentaquark? Feasibility in the K^+ d -> K^0 p p reaction
      Speaker: Dr Takayasu Sekihara (Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka Univ.)
    • 16:40
      Coffee Break
    • 7
      Free Discussion
    • 17:30
      Banquet Teawon - Chinese restaurant

      Teawon - Chinese restaurant

      Teawon - Chinese restaurant
    • 09:30
    • 8
      The Pomeron, Odderon, and N* resonances in φ photoproduction
      Speaker: Dr Sanho Kim (Pukyong National University)
    • 9
      Simulating pA reactions to study the phi meson in nuclear matter at J-PARC
      Speaker: Dr Philipp Gubler (JAEA)
    • 11:20
      Lunch Uzbekistan Food

      Uzbekistan Food

    • 10
      Heavy quark - antiquark potential
      Speaker: Mr Nurmukhammad Rakhimov (National University of Uzbekistan)
    • 11
      QCD phase structure: Instanton, Polyakov loops, and Lee-Yang zeros
      Speaker: Prof. Seungil Nam (Pukyong National University)
    • 14:40
      Coffee Break
    • 12
      Colored clusters in Hadrons
      Speaker: Prof. Makoto Oka (ASRC, Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
    • 15:40